Are you a Christian tired of the Silence?

Learn How to Hear the Voice of God Today!

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Growing Up, I had Trouble Hearing God, so I tried...


Going to Church.

I knew God was at Church, and thought that God only spoke to spiritual people like the Pastors.

When I felt distant from God I would go listen to a sermon hoping it would give me an answer.

 Sometimes it helped, but often the sermon would have nothing to do with what I needed. I would leave feeling like I’ll try again next week. 

The Bible Flip. 

We have all done this!

We ask God to speak to us, close our eyes, and randomly flip open the Bible, pointing to a verse, and hope God uses it to speak.

Then are confused by what the verse means. Out of the hundreds of times I have done this, I think it worked twice. 

Pleading &  Repenting.

When the sermon didn’t work and the Bible flipping failed, I found myself pleading with God,

“God if you will speak, then I’ll fast, or serve, or live holier.”

I assumed if I felt far from God then I must be in sin or not spiritual enough. I’d recall the day, repenting of everything I could think of. Most of my prayer life was recounting my sins!


Nothing seemed to work until...

I studied "HOW" God spoke to people throughout the Bible and throughout history. 

When I learned "HOW" to Recognize God's Voice.

1. My life and faith came alive!

It was like I lived in a house my entire life, and for the first time ever, the house got electricity and water!

2. My relationship with God became a two way street!

My prayer life transformed. I finally felt connected to God! Prayer was no longer me throwing up a bunch of words to God. I could hear what he had to say in response.

3. His Voice Overflowed!

Learning to Hear God's Voice led to countless salvations, miracles, and breakthroughs for others to Jesus! 

As a Pastor and Missionary for over 15 year, I combined everything I've learned on HOW God Speaks into this ONE 30 Day Bible Study.



SO THAT YOU can learn "HOW" God speaks and begin to hear Him like never before! 

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What is it? 

No more confusing curriculums. “He Speaks” Is an easy to follow four-week Bible Study designed to help you discover the ways God speaks to you.

What will it do for you? 

1. Train you with the Biblical knowledge you need by unpacking the different ways GOD SPEAKS in the Scripture, so that you can know when you are actually hearing God!


2. Empower you to apply these tried and true ancient Biblical principles in modern day and easy to understand way.


3. Equip you to know how to listen to what the Holy Spirit is personally saying to you.


4. Show you how to partner with God’s Voice to minister to others like never before.



20 Dynamic Daily Videos

Tired of Long, Confusing Sermons? You will receive TWENTY 10-15 minute videos. One for each day of the week that will lead you step by step in hearing God. 

Valued at $65

15+ Bonus Activation Videos- 

These resources are for those who want to dive even deeper! You will receive FIFTEEN bonus videos including weekend challenges, interviews with other influencers of the faith, and more! 

Valued at $17

Step-by-Step Activation Workbook- 

Dive deeper into the word of God and take time to process through what you learn each day with this corresponding workbook.

Valued at $12

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I have helped hundreds of Students around the world. Here's what just a few are saying:

Pastor Ricky- International Speaker & Author


"A course that all believers should attend to establish their intimacy with the LORD to fulfill His purpose and will!"

Shellise- Artist & Entrepreneur


"All the Videos and exercises helped me to grow in my closeness to the Holy Spirit. My abilities to hear grew, and I had several dreams and a couple of visions as a result of the class!"

Dianna- Teacher & Worship Leader


"If you're wanted to get activated in hearing God's Voice in your life, whether this is a new concept for you or not, this course is for you! You will get so much out of it!"

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Here's the Plan

1 Short Video Monday-Friday for 4 weeks.

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You will ALSO Receive:

Sermon Bundle

Receive 10 Revival Sermons on Related Topics that Taylor has preached throughout various Churches, Nations, and Ministries 

Valued at $20

Podcast Bundle

4 Hours of Extra Podcast Content and interviews with people changing the World for Jesus!

Valued at $12

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Total Combined Resources Value of $126

For Only $37!!

This offer is only for my new subscribers during their welcome week, and cannot be found anywhere else on my website! 

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If you don't like, return it at any point within 30 days you will get a full refund! And you get to keep the ebook! That way there is NO RISK!

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One Time in Las Vegas...

A man stopped me, trying to give me a coupon for a local night club. When I saw his eyes, something in me jumped, and I longed to tell him of the love of God. 


“I’m a Christian, and Jesus loves you,” I said


“Ya ya,” he said with a shrug that said he had heard the “you need Jesus” speech before.


A prayer shot through my mind. “God please give me something different to show this man you are real.”


Suddenly I saw a flash through my mind of a little girl, with curly black hair, looking up. I knew she was alone, and that she wanted her Father back. 


“Tell me about your daughter?” I asked him.

“What?” He said, looking shocked. 


“She is alone, and she wants you to come back home. God wants you to stop selling stripper coupons in Vegas, go back home to your daughter.


“How did you know I left my daughter?”


“I’m a Christian, and God just told me that your daughter is alone, and she wants you back. He wants you to go back to her. Go be a Father.”


Head down, tears forming, he broke.

“I left her and her mom in Washington. I don’t know what I’m doing man…”


“God loves you so much, he wants your heart, and he wants to Father you, so that you can go be the Father your daughter needs.”


I proceeded to explain the gospel to him. How Christ died, rose again, and the only way to God is through Christ. He hugged me and began sobbing into my shoulder. 


This was his encounter moment. 


God knew he had a daughter who needed him, and God wanted to break in so badly that He spoke to a random stranger.


The man threw down his Stripper Club coupons, said, “I have to go to the airport, I'm flying home tonight to see my daughter” 


I am so thankful that God speaks. He longs for believers to hear, listen, and understand his voice so that they can release it into the world around them. 

How many lives will forever change because you learned how to hear God?


What if He could do this THROUGH YOU?

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